How to use snow chain correctly?

How to use snow chain correctly?

How to use snow chain correctly?

Jan 09, 2023

Using snow chains correctly is important to ensure that they provide adequate traction and to prevent damage to your vehicle. Here are some steps to help you correctly use snow chains:

1.Read the manufacturer's instructions: Before installing the snow chains, it is important to read the manufacturer's instructions to ensure that they are compatible with your vehicle and to understand the proper installation and use.
2.Check the weather forecast: Snow chains are only effective in snowy or icy conditions, so it is important to check the weather forecast to make sure that they are necessary before installing them.
3.Choose the right chains: Snow chains come in different sizes, so it is important to choose the right size for your vehicle's tires.
4.Install the chains: Install the chains on the drive wheels of your vehicle. The chains should be installed on the inside of the tires, with the arrow pointing in the direction of rotation. Make sure that the chains are tight and that there is no slack.
5.Adjust the chains: Adjust the chains to the proper tension, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The chains should be tight enough that they do not sag, but not so tight that they cause any damage.
6.Test drive: Before driving on the road, it is important to test drive the vehicle with the chains installed to ensure that they are working properly and that there is no vibration or noise.
7.Drive safely: Drive at a reduced speed and brake gently, as snow chains can affect the handling of your vehicle. Avoid sharp turns and sudden braking.
8.Remove the chains: Once you have reached a location where the chains are no longer necessary, remove them and store them in a dry place.
9.It is important to note that not all states or countries allow the use of snow chains, and it is important to check the regulations before using them. Additionally, some roads may have specific restrictions for the use of snow chains, so it's important to check the signs and obey them

In general, snow chains are a useful tool for providing additional traction in snowy and icy conditions, but they must be used correctly to ensure that they are effective and safe.